Hunter’s Moon (Full Moon October 2008)

The Farmer’s Almanac has this to say about our moon this month:

With the leaves falling and the deer fattened, it is time to hunt. Since the fields have been reaped, hunters can easily see fox and the animals which have come out to glean.

Reading through the various Native American moon names for October, references to the leaves changing or falling stand out as well as references to cold and frost.

Though temperatures have definitely dropped here in Northwest Arkansas, we have not yet had a frost.  The leaves, however, have started changing colors.  The maples stand out with their orangy-pinks.  The sumacs and dogwoods that still have leaves droop them from their branches like giant drops of blood.  The post oaks have gone to brown.  Check out the Fall Foliage Report at for information on peak color times, what roads to travel and fun facts.

As for hunting, the archery and muzzleloader seasons here in Arkansas often start in October, but modern gun seasons may not start until November.  Visit the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission website for detailed information on seasons and bag limits.

3 responses to this post.

  1. I apologize to my readers for taking more than a full phase of the moon past full to get this post published. Even though the moon has passed the last quarter and wanes quickly toward darkness, the new moon has not yet risen, so we can still call it the Hunter’s Moon.


  2. Posted by Andie(Johnston)Petersen on 11/05/2008 at 7:49 am

    I know nothing about the moon, but I am buying my son, Otto, a pair of good binoculars (reccomended by a physicist we know) so that he can observe it. I will hopefully know more after the said binoculars arrive (and the son observes).

    You should be on twitter.

    all the best,


  3. Andie Jo,

    It’s great to hear from you.

    I used to sit on top of a fence every morning and observe the moon through a pair of binoculars while I waited for the school bus to come.

    I hope Otto has fun observing.


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